The First Rule Of Life Is Not To Leave Mom Alone

There is nothing sadder in this life than to see a woman who has fought for her children cry because they have left her alone in her old age. A woman who has dedicated her entire life to raising her children, not wanting for anything … and when old age comes, her most vulnerable moment because nature forces it, she does not have any of her children available to take care of she.

She did everything for you

Perhaps in a selfish way you think that you did not ask him to do any of those things, that if he had you it was because he wanted to and took care of you because it was his “obligation” … what a selfish and immature thought! Your mother gave you life … She sacrificed herself for you and is the only one in the universe who would give her life for you if necessary … and do you still have the cowardice to have immature thoughts of this type? Surely not!

When your mother needs you, in whatever circumstances and at any time, the least you can do is be by her side. Reach out to her whenever she needs it and in whatever context, because she is the most important person in your heart or at least that’s the way it should be.

If you have children, you probably want them to continue loving you with the same devotion that they do now, right? Well, your mother has those same feelings towards you since the day you were born … she deserves that you return that love!

Don’t go mom

If you have your mother alive, you have the greatest treasure you can imagine. Be aware that her heart is made of gold and that the day she is not by your side, you would give your life to spend 5 more minutes with her, to listen to her, to hug her, to feel her once more. You felt it all your life, you listened to it every day while I was raising you and that suddenly you cannot have its warmth in your life is one of the hardest blows you can receive.

So, now that you have the opportunity to hug her and enjoy her, don’t make her sad, don’t make her angry … don’t break her heart. She always tried to make you laugh when you were sad, she consoled you with tears and she will love you above all things despite the mistakes you may have made in your life.

Take care of it and protect it

Take care of your mother and protect her. Value every minute you spend with her because you will never know when you will stop having her by your side. Do not wait for his absence to realize all his value. Let her enjoy you in this life and don’t wait to long for her to think of everything you would have liked to say to her. Life is not insured for anyone, so tell him what you feel at every moment, every day …

I respect your mother, because you have to respect a mother above all else. Your mother is the one who knows you best on this planet and she is the one who will know how to give you peace when you need it. You will always need her love, because when she surrounds you in her arms, you automatically become the boy or girl she saw grow up.

I wish the moments with a mother were eternal and that each smile would unite you forever. Your mother’s love will support you when everyone stops doing it because she is the one who will never disappoint you and will always forgive you, even if others do not.

Your mother should be your priority as long as you are lucky enough to have her by your side … because she is a shooting star, you have to enjoy her while she shines because when she goes out, you will never be able to see her again.